This is yet another on-going program in the school which is
particularly to encourage children to read more books by His Holiness the Dalai
Lama to foster good moral behavior and attitude.
The aims and the objectives of this program are:
To let the children know and understand the main principles
of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
To let the children engage in meaningful discussion about
those principles.
To let the children implement those principles in their
daily lives.
To cultivate the reading habit in children.
This is actually a new reading club consisting of few
teachers and children to begin with. The main responsibility of this program is
shouldered by our two school Librarians. We have made mini groups of around 20 & 21 children with two teachers each. We are supposed to be book buddies.
Whenever we meet and have mini sessions, we are going to talk and share about
the books. Whatever we have understood and learnt from these books we are going
to pass them on to others. Hopefully we would be able to bring changes in our
day to day behavior, attitude and thinking.
This will also help all of us to explore more about his
books and get introduced to many other new books as well. The main function to
facilitate this program will be done during the birth anniversary of His
Holiness the Dalai Lama this year which falls on 6 July 2017. By that time we
hope to cover as many books as possible and enlarge the groups further.