His Holiness Teaching

Class 9 and 10 students and teachers attended the two days His Holiness teaching for Tibetan Youth.

To commemorate holy month of Saka Dawa the school holds three day Kagyur reading.

Inter House BasketBall Tournament

The school Basketball tournament was held on month of March. The final match was played on 29th of March 2023.

Inter House Song and Dance Competition

The Inter House Cultural Nite was held on 27th May in school Loter Hall.

Menstrual Hygiene talk

The school guidance and counsellelor organized a talk on Menstrual Hygiene for the girl on 29th May right after the school Morning Assembly.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016


TCV Chauntra Spelling Bee
This was held on 28thSeptember, 2016 in our school loder hall at 3:30p.m. Organized by the English committee. The main aim aims and objective is:
To facilitate our students in extra literary platform.
To highlight the importance of spelling as literary skill.
To encourage our students to come out of their comfort zone and achieve success.
Firstly, announcer welcomes all the pronouncer on the stage. There were only four rounds as Easy, Average, Difficult and Championship .Our school principal was call upon and awarded the winner. Master Tenzin Rangdol of class 9S was announced as the year 2016 class 9 and10 English spelling champion.

Monday, 26 September 2016


tcv chauntra show white drama
Drama: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
For a change this year Mega Drama was played by class IV instead of class VII. The two subject teacher Mrs. Passang Tsamchoe la and Mrs.Tenzin Tsering la has taken initiative to make the student learn by heart the script. The practice started from first September and ended on 26th September. About 40 students participated in it.
The drama was staged on 26thSeptember 2016 in the evening at 6:45 pm in our school loter hall with the student and staff.
The participants and the eight committee members worked very hard and the result was an outstanding one. The best male actor was bagged by Tenzin Yeshi of class IV-D and Eskit Dolma of class IV-S was consider as the best female actor.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Marathon Race

TCV Chauntra Marathon Race
 Games committee organized Inter-House Marathon race on 15 and 16 september.During the practice all the students were made compulsory to participate in marathon race and the housemaster finally selected 45 students respectively.  There 45 students was put into four different category according to their index.
TCV Chauntra Marathon RaceThe fastest runner from girls open division is Miss.Sonam Tsomo from Trisong House.The fastest runner from the senior boys was Mr.Rinchen Tsering from Songtsen house. The fastest runner from Inter Boys division is Mr.Tenzin Gawa from Nyatri house and the fastest runner from the Junior Boys division is Nyima Tenzin from Nyatri House.
Overall first position goes to Songtsen House.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016


In our school, grand science day was held on 14thSeptember, 2016 at our school auditorium. There were approximately 450 students involved in that programme. Sambhota school students came here as guest of that programme. Whole programme was organized by science teachers of class 6-10.
The main aims and objectives were:
Students learn by doing themselves through project making.
They understand concepts of science through moving models.
Building life skill-they learns to co-operate and work in groups.
The programme proceeded through presentation, skit, song, trash ion show, exhibition and shown a movie on the life of Stephen hawking.
Position holders were:
Smart city model-prepared by Sangay Ngodup group class-10.
Handmade projector-prepared by Dorjee Damdul group class-8.
Science magazine logo winner-Dawa Sangpo 9-D and Jorden 9-D
Science poster competition-Tsewang Namgyal 10 B, Dawa Sangpo-9D and Tsering Dhondup 8-D.
Overall, the programme was very successful and encouraging.

Monday, 5 September 2016


On 5th September, in our school, we celebrated teacher’s day as staff day. Because, we consider T.C.V. as our home. We would like to thanks to our school captains that we celebrated this occasion in very pomp and glorious way.
It was the time when students got the chance to convey their teachers and staff for their hardwork.Specially, all the staff members contributed faithfully to the students games.
We are very glad that, our 2016 staff day turned to be a memorable one not only for the staff but also for all the students.