Tuesday, 23 July 2019
Sunday, 7 July 2019
T.C.V. Chauntra celebrated the 84th birthday of H.H. The Dalai Lama on the 6th of July at the school auditorium. The function was attended by staff and the students above class 6. The function started at 8a.m. with the Sangsol followed by the procession of the portrait of H.H. The Dalai Lama from the school chapel to the Lother Hall with ceremonial enthronement chanting. The portrait of H.H. was accompanied by Tadup Lopon, the school Principal, MC members, School Captains and Prefects. 84 flowers pots symbolizing the age of H.H. the Dalai Lama were offered. The school Principal Mr Passang Tsering La lit the butter lamp to the portrait of H.H. the Dalai Lama followed by the offering of traditional scarf to the portrait by the staff and the school Captains and Prefects. The prayer ‘Gyalwai Shabten’ was recited too. Dresil, ( sweet rice) ladoos and Tibetan butter tea were served to the staff and the students thereafter. The school Principal delivered the introductory speech. English Lother News 2019 was showcased and a documentary film was shown to the staff and the students. Bed sheets sponsored by Christine from Germany were distributed to homes. The program ended with the vote of thanks speech by the school Headmaster Mr. Karma Tashi La and the singing of Tibetan and Indian National Anthem.
In the afternoon at 2: 45 p.m. H.H. the Dalai Lama’s Birthday Soccer Tournament was played between Staff Team and School Boys’ Team. The auspicious day ended with peace and joy.
Friday, 5 July 2019
English Elocution competition was conducted for the students of class 7 and 8 under the guidance of their English teachers on 4th July at the school auditorium. This is done annually to promote English speaking skills, in terms of pronunciation, articulation, delivery and voice intonation. Eight students participated in this one hour program. The competition was divided into four sections namely Compulsory poem, Monologue, Speech and Optional poem. The judges were Mr, Tenzin Dhondup la, Miss, Lhakpa Dolma La and Mrs. Tenzin Tsering La. The program was hosted by Master Tenzin Kelsang of class 8 B and Miss Kunga Monlam of class 7 D. The marks calculation was done by Master Passang Tashi of class 8 B and Master Ngawang Tsephel of class 7 S. The best elocutionist of 2019 was Master Tenzin Kunkyab of class 8 S. The confidence, expression and the talent of the young ones made the event a memorable one.