His Holiness Teaching

Class 9 and 10 students and teachers attended the two days His Holiness teaching for Tibetan Youth.

To commemorate holy month of Saka Dawa the school holds three day Kagyur reading.

Inter House BasketBall Tournament

The school Basketball tournament was held on month of March. The final match was played on 29th of March 2023.

Inter House Song and Dance Competition

The Inter House Cultural Nite was held on 27th May in school Loter Hall.

Menstrual Hygiene talk

The school guidance and counsellelor organized a talk on Menstrual Hygiene for the girl on 29th May right after the school Morning Assembly.

Saturday, 26 March 2022

SPRING FETE ( 26th March,2022)

 SPRING FETE ( 26th March,2022)

T.C.V. Chauntra organizes Spring Fete every year in the month of March. The school Games Committee, the staff and senior students of this school put in a lot of efforts in organizing the school spring fete to raise funds to purchase essential equipments required for games and sports. It is the most awaited event of the year for the students.

The school couldn’t hold Spring fete for two years due to Covid 19 pandemic. But this year it was resumed as the Covid cases had subsided. It was different from the last few years as there were more parents and more visitors joining this gala event.  It was held at the school football ground on 26th March. The staff and the children both worked hand in hand in displaying the different stalls ranging from tasty food, exciting games and relishing refreshment.  It was a day filled with fun, laughter and enjoyment. The presence and support of the parents and the visitors made the day livelier and a memorable one.

Monday, 21 March 2022



The school conducted POCSO (Prevention of Children from Sexual Offences) and ADOLESCENCE workshop for the staff to ensure the safety of students and bring awareness about sexual assault and sexual harassment. It was held at school Loter Hall on 21st March at 2:30p.m.  The speakers of the workshop were Mrs. Tenzin Dolma La , the school Headmistress and Miss Jigme Dhamdol La, the school guidance and counselor. They spoke in detail about the significance of identifying symptoms that might be the causes of behavioural changes in students regarding mental and physical abuse. They also educated the staff on the importance of knowing the rights of a child namely 1. The Right to Survival  2. The Right to Protection  3. The Rights to Development  and  4. The Rights to Participation. They also made the staff aware about Juvenile Justice Act and POCSO ACT –2012 for prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and understand both psychological and legal implications of the Act.

The aim of this workshop is to create a safe school environment for the children in school and make them learn in school in a fear -free  atmosphere.  All in all, the workshop sensitized the staff about

1.      Awareness Raising- breaking the silence and taboo

2.      Prevention-  minimizing the risk factor

3.      Reporting- building trust

4.      Responding- concern and support

Thursday, 17 March 2022



The SEE Learning team headed by Mr. Chime Dorjee  La conducted a brief workshop for the teachers and the home mothers at Loter Hall in the afternoon at 2:30. The team members Geshe Tsering Nyima La, the school counselor Miss. Jigme Dhamdol La and Tibetan teacher Mr. Tenzin Tori La shed some lights on the four commitments of H.H. The Dalai Lama, sensations, tracking, resources, grounding and characteristics of a teacher and a student. The workshop ended with ‘Step In’ and ‘Step Out’ activity. 



Ven.Geshe Lhakdor La, Director of Library of Tibetan Work and Archive was invited to the school on 17th March to give a talk to the staff about ‘Positive Mental Attitude.’ The talk was attended by all the staff of T.C.V. Chauntra at the school Chapel from 11 to 1:30 p.m.  Geshe La delivered the importance of cultivating positive mental attitude in one’s life and work. He told the gatherings to find joy in the work they do and find contentment both on the job and in their personal lives. He quoted William  Shakespeare’s quote  “I cried when I had no shoes, but I stopped crying when I saw a man without legs. Life is full of blessings, sometimes we don’t value it.”

 Geshe Lhakdor La further  spoke about  educating the children’s head, heart and hands to bring in a holistic learning in them. He quoted “Love minimizes faults.” Finally Geshe La answered some queries by the teachers. The school is highly appreciative of his wonderful and meaningful talks and hope to have him in the near future to share his insights to the staff and the children.

Monday, 14 March 2022

SCHOOL OPENING CEREMONY ( 14th March, 2022 )

 SCHOOL OPENING CEREMONY  ( 14th  March, 2022 )

On 14th  March, 2022 T.C.V. Chauntra observed the school opening ceremony with full enthusiasm and zeal. All the staff and the students from class 6 and above participated in that great event. The function started at 9:15 a.m. The event began off with the singing of the T.C.V. school song ‘Khenpe Yeshi’ followed by praying ‘Dhentsig Monlam.’ A minute mourning was observed for the sacrifices made by Tibetan martyrs. The introductory speech was made by the school Principal Mr. Passang Tsering La.   After that the new staff, the new house masters, the new committee chairpersons, the new captains and the new prefects were introduced and were offered scarf (Khatak) by the school Principal. The new captains and prefects took the oath in front of the gatherings. Prize distribution was conducted to congratulate and felicitate the students in academics, cleanliness and good conduct. The event ended with the acknowledgement note by the school Headmistress Mrs. Tenzin Dolma  La. Finally Tibetan National Anthem and Indian National Anthem were sung respectively with the school band group.

TEACHERS’ ORIENTATION PROGRAMS ( 14th March to 21st March)

 TEACHERS’ ORIENTATION PROGRAMS ( 14th March to 21st March)







14 March,2022


School Opening Function

Classroom Cleaning

Textbook Distribution

Subject Committee Meeting


15 March, 2022


Regular Class

Teachers’ Meeting


16 March,2022


Regular Class

Committee Meeting


17 March,2022


Geshe Lhakdor la’s Talk

SEE Learning Workshop


19 March, 2022


Regular Class/EDT Meeting



21 March,2022


Regular Class

Workshop on POCSO and Adolescence

Friday, 11 March 2022


Students of T.C.V. Chauntra returned and reported to school after a two month long winter holidays. They were not required to bring any test report and this year they were not required to quarantine due to the sharp decline in Covid-19 cases in India. Students and their parents coming to school were taken temperature checks at the school entrance or the gate and were sanitized by the school Covid task force. The school is happy to welcome and receive its students and thrilled to have them at our school campus. Their presence in the school made the school livelier and more blissful.


Thursday, 10 March 2022


10th March is observed as Tibetan National Uprising Day which commemorates the 1959 Tibetan uprising against the presence  of the People’s Republic of China in Tibet. It was the day when Chinese government entered and captured the capital of Tibet, Lhasa and the flight of the His Holiness The Dalai Lama into exile.

After 1959, every year thousands of Tibetan people and their supporters all around the world gather together to the street to mark the anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising Day and also to show that Tibet is not a part of China.

This year our school staff along with the people residing at Bir and Chauntra assembled together at Sughbagh ground and had the main function there. After that a function and a peace march were held at Palampur to bring awareness in India and the world at large that ‘Tibet is not a part of China.’