This year is solely meant to inculcate the moral values in all the TCV School, as it is the focus point of this year. Keeping this in mind our school principal has initiated a programme to extent our first step to moral values through honorific words.
As well know Tibetan is a rich language. One of the unique features of which are honorific words that are commonly used during conversation.
In this 21st century, children are getting more and more exposed to other language while they are becoming less and less familiar with their own mother tongue. As a result of which they may forget everything. Thinking from this point working and learning honorific words is more urgently felt. The whole programme is shouldered by the two Tibetan teacher Miss. Dawa Tsamchoe la and Miss. Yangzom la. The unique thing about this programme is that, all the respective homes from 1 to 16 inclulding girls and boy’s hostel, all are participating in this programme. No one knows who will be call upon as a participant as an actual contestant. All the students were informing in advance to learn and give importance to the Tibetan honorific words.
This kind of programme will definitely be an eye opener for the budding brains of our children who are wisely termed as the ‘Future seeds of Tibet’ by his holiness. This particular programme had really squeezed a lot of time and sweat of the two concern teachers. By the end of the programme the winner was Home no 6 . When the programme got over we have the confidence to feel that whatever time and labor that the teacher had spent on this contest have not gone waste. I want to congratulate the principal and the two concern teacher for their sheer hard work.