Sunday, 4 August 2019


Traditional texts explain that after the Buddha realized awakening beneath the Bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya, he spent seven weeks at that spot in a series of contemplations.  First, he was reluctant to teach, fearing that people would not understand his message.  But, he was convinced by the gods Indra and Brahmā to share his discovery of truth.  Then, the texts tell us that the Buddha journeyed to the Deer Park at Isipatana, now known as Sarnath.  And there he turned the wheel of the Dharma for the group of 5 companions with whom he had previously practiced austerities.
With this knowledge, our school has given one day holiday and at 7p.m we had grand soltsog at lotter hall to commemorated lord Buddha’s teaching and our school dialectic master Mr.Sonam Tenphel  la gave brief introduction about this important day.  All the staff and student above class seven gathered in the hall for the prayer for the well-being of all the sentient beings.


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