Tuesday, 6 August 2019

ICT Monitoring visit by personnel from TISS Mumbai

The Department of Education, CTA with the funding support from USAID has implemented pilot project in four schools namely, STS Paonta, THS Rajpur, STS Bylakuppe and TCV School Chauntra in the year 2018. Under this project the above mentioned schools were provided with ICT infrastructure, and 28 teachers from these schools have successfully completed the four months Certificate Course on ICT and Education from TISS Mumbai. As a part of the course, these 28 certificate holders have trained 177 other teachers in ICT and Education expanding the knowledge in wide range.
Thus in order to monitor and review the implementation of ICT project in these four schools, the DoE has arranged a team of personnel from TISS Mumbai to visit the four pilot schools. Hence as per the schedule of DoE, the personnel namely Amina and Sohini ma’am visited our school on 6 August 2019 and stayed in the school for whole day to observe the ongoing implementation of the ICT in school. 

The program was scheduled as follows and went successfully.
  1. A brief introduction and meeting with the school Principal.
  2. The Focus Group Discussion with the Master trainers and the Outreach teacher
  3. Lesson observation of the Outreach teacher Mr. Tenzin Dhondup in the ICT room during the fifth period.
  4. Lesson observation of one of the Master trainers. Mr. Tenzin Choejor’s lesson was observed.
  5. Interaction with the students by the TISS Mumbai personnel.
  6. Feedback from the personnel to the Principal on the whole observation.


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