Saturday, 22 June 2019


The inter class Spelling Bee was held on 21st June at the school auditorium during the last two periods. It was organized for 5th and the 6th graders and was conducted by class 4, 5 and 6 English teachers. Seven spellers from each section participated in that spelling Bee. In total 42 students took part in that Spelling Bee. The best spellers were selected by their English teachers after their spelling tests in class. The spelling bee consisted of four rounds i.e. Easy, Average, Difficult and the Champion round. The spelling champions of 2019 Spelling Bee were Pema Dorjee of class 6 S and Tenzin Jamyang of class 6 B. Hearty congratulations to them! This competition helped the students to realize the importance of spellings, to improve their spellings and to enrich their vocabulary. 


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